book_club.jpg"The Last Tuesday Book Club"

The Combined Probus Club of Wheelers Hill Inc. Book Club Group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at 3.00PM at the Lum Reserve Tennis Club. The cost for each meeting is $2 per member and tea and coffee are provided.

At the first meeting of the year we discuss the list of books to be read during the forthcoming year. We also share books we have read during the summer break, and perhaps recommend them to other Book Club members. It is always interesting to find out about books that other people have read, and hear their opinions.

From the day of each previous monthly meeting approximately 8 books are kindly made available for our Probus members pleasure from the Wheelers Hill Library. Members are most welcome, occasional readers also, to discuss a particular book. Sharing can be arranged if books are in short supply. Any enquiries please call Theresa.

New Club members are very welcome so if you are interested in joining the Book Club, just contact the Book club co-ordinator.

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Reading List 2024

January 30. Three sisters. March 12.
February 27. Magician. April 9.
March 26. Tell me why. May 7.
April 30. Trip of a lifetime. June 11.
May28. Dear Edward. July 9.
June 25. Girt. August 6.
July 30. Bookseller's secret. Sept 10.
August 27. Limberlost. October 8.
September 24. Fake. November 5.
October 29. Memory keeper. December 10.
November 26. Hamnet 7. January 25.
December NA NA