Member Reminders:- .........

Please advise of any name changes, changes to address, email, phone numbers both home and mobile.

Remember to provide information to update your activitity badges whenever your details or emergency contacts change.

Please check on the front page of newsletter for Welcome door and Morning Tea duties. If rostered on please arrive by 9.15AM to assist setting up.If you are unavailable for your duty, please change with another person and then advise membership officer by email or phone by the Tuesday before the meeting.

Bookshelf full of old books? Bring along your unwanted old books to share with other Probus members.

Don't throw out those old magazines, bring them to the meeting and share them with other members.

If you know of a trades person or other service provider that you would like to recommend, please pass the following details to the toolbox Coordinator (see toolbox link for more details).