21st-24th October 2013

Photos have kindly been provided by Lynn Carter and Robin Bray with comments by Robin Bray.

The Club Golfing Group and partners made the annual trip to Howlong a month earlier this year. From the following group of photos taken by Lynn you can see why we love travelling to this very pretty course each year, It is kept immaculately by the staff.

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The weather was complex in that we were sandwiched between two high pressure systems, the northerly one over Sydney producing extreme heat and winds resulting in disastrous bush fires in NSW and the southerly one over Melbourne producing cold and rain! We were fortunate that the latter generally prevailed as we only endured rain during our round on Tuesday for a brief period, the remaining time being mild and cloudy, just perfect for good golf! Monday's round was just casual play with members opting to play either 9 or 18 holes as they wished. Tuesday was team stroke play commencing on the back 9 early morning. The ladies played their 'Nearest to the Pin' and 'Longest Drive' competitions this day. The men's tournaments were held over to Wednesday's play. Lynn compiled all the scores and selected balanced teams for our 'Ambrose' round for Wednesday. 'Happy Hour' commenced as usual in the afternoon after each day`s activities around 5PM. Dinner each evening was in the Golf Club Bistro. Non playing members and friends took the time fishing and shopping. A big Murray cod was caught by Brian and John but was thrown back because, unfortunately, it was just out of season.

The ladies put on their usual delicious BBQ lunch on Tuesday much to our enjoyment. After lunch some of us drove to Corowa and visited the new Whisky and Chocolate factory being established in the old abandoned flour mill. We enjoyed the richly flavoured hot chocolate and other delicious drinks, purchased specialty chocolates and shown over the very interesting development. Well worth the visit.

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Wednesday saw us compete in the 'Ambrose' competition. Lynn formulated 3 teams each of 4 golfers. Whilst John and Brian headed off fishing the remaining ladies drove to Albury for the 'annual shopping spree'!

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After the round we retired to the lawn area at the motel for 'Happy Hour' prior to presentations.

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John presented prizes to the individual competition winners who were: Rosemary - Ladies Nearest to the Pin, Pat - Ladies Longest Drive, Kerry - Men's Nearest to the Pin and Robin - Men's Longest Drive.

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The final team result was a very close outcome reinforcing Lynn's assessment of our 'golfing abilities'! The winning team was 'The Good Girls and Guys' team captained by Peter Hogan and team members John Matthews, Pat Adams and Gabrielle Fraser.


President John Matthews on our behalf, sincerely thanked Barbara and John for their efforts in making this trip away another great success and presented them with a bottle of wine. Lynn was also thanked for arranging the 'Ambrose' tournament. Thank you all for another enjoyable trip to Howlong.

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