Report Templates

Report templates make it easy for any club member to produce a report for an activity that they have attended. The templates take the hard work out of producing an activity report. They will allow you to layout your report, position and resize your photos with relative ease. This procedure uses Microsoft Word running on your Windows desktop or laptop PC. If you have problems creating your activity report contact the Webmaster for assistance.

It is essential that you read (and print if necessary) the template instructions before commencing. In addition, each template contains some simple template specific instructions to assist you to produce your report writeup.

After producing your report, you can then pass the file to the Webmaster via email, by sharing file on Onedrive and sending the link, or by saving on a memory stick and passing it physically.The Webmaster will then arrange to include the report on the Website where all members can view it.

The template options are summarized below, more information is available in the template instructions and also in the actual templates.The templates can be downloaded by clicking on the buttons at the bottom of this page.

Report template 1 contains Heading, 2 photos, main description text , multiple activity photos pairs with caption descriptions.

Report template 2 contains Heading, 2 photos, main description text, multiple activity photo pairs with large description between pairs.

Report template 3 contains Heading, 1 large photo, main description text, multiple activity photos pairs with caption descriptions.

Report template 4 contains heading, 1 large photo, main description text, multiple activity photo pairs with large description between pairs.

Christmas luncheon (or other large functions) template 1 contains, a page heading consisting of photos on the sides and heading in the middle. This is repeated at the top of all pages. The first page also contains the text body and possible multiple activity photo pairs with caption descriptions depending on spacing. All subsequent pages contain multiple activity photo pairs with caption descriptions after the heading.

Christmas luncheon (or other large functions) template 2 contains, a heading and animation, then heading photos, main text body and multiple activity photo pairs with captions depending on spacing. Subsequent pages contain multiple activity photo pairs and captions only.

Christmas luncheon (or other large functions) template 3 contains, heading photos on the sides and the heading in the middle, main description text, and multiple activity photo pairs with caption descriptions depending on spacing. Subsequent pages contain multiple activity photo pairs and captions only.

After selecting the template button the procedure is slightly different in the various browsers, but essentially you need to select download, select open, Word will open and the template document will be displayed, select "enable editing.